Meet The Team

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Bram Hillegers


I am a LEED Accredited Professional Construction Manager with experience in both institutional, commercial and residential construction.  I have managed multiple projects simultaneously, totaling over $50,000,000 in value, and am responsible for the successful completion of the entire development, design and construction process from obtaining site plan approval to calculating cost-estimates and establishing the construction budget, from determining the scope of work, to managing the bid process, negotiating contracts, and executing and overseeing the construction work.

Over the past eight years I have worked closely with property owners, pastors, sisters, and principals to understand that each organization is unique and that each project must be treated with care, with a keen eye on the balance between form and function. In the same manner, each property must be managed to keep in balance the often conflicting priorities of short-term emergencies and long-term capital improvements.

My experience with religious institutions have taught me how to maximize the value of a dollar and still keep within the budgetary constraints your organization no-doubtly faces. Working for the Archdiocese of New York has made me realize that project & facility management is much more than building and/or up-keeping buildings. Of course one must maintain safe premises and adhere to budgets and schedules, however it is more than that. One must also be able to understand the “human” aspect of the bricks and mortar that surround the people who use it.

Education: Master’s in Business Administration; Post-Graduate in Construction Management

Certifications & Licenses: LEED Accredited Professional; NYS Real Estate Sales Person

T      (646) 370 9037





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